๐Ÿ’™ It's not about how long we know ๐Ÿ’š
❤️ It's about how deep we go ๐Ÿ’œ


A Happy Day--Go out with my sis friends :D

Today I go to my sis school
Attend their Hari Keusahawanan
Their school damn good than us le!!!
OMG!!!our school?one word----BAD!
haha~Then I sit Jing Jing's car go to Pavilion~
Then my sis 2:30pm that only go back home bath
Then meet us at Pavilion~
haha~I don't how to describe today~
Because go out with them very happy
And very funny~All my sis friends 
Just me 14 years old only~
And they celebrate with Sook Sook~
Then also celebrate with me -.-
Then we take many photos outside people's restaurant
hahacx~so funny~Today got 9 peoples go out~
And Xinni so funny -.- hahahacx~
And I also saw the STICKY!!!!
OMG!!!Then Xinni go in and 'try' the STICKY
Then she give me one
But I no money to buy ='(
Hope next time I can buy the whole kedai
wakakakakaka ~>P<~
Today is a FUNNY and GOOD day xD
