๐Ÿ’™ It's not about how long we know ๐Ÿ’š
❤️ It's about how deep we go ๐Ÿ’œ


Half bad half fun xD

Today actually we(me and my sis) go to watch movie
What movie?? <<Magic To Win>> xD
But suddenly we change to cheong K
Just we two only
The Green Box =/ Walao!!!
BAD! They use touch screen
Very trouble to choose songs le!
And when you're singing got 'beep' 'beep' sound one!
And the boy discover we eat outside food
He keep our foods!!!!!!
And many songs I want to sing also didn't have!!!!!!!!
What the??Next time free I also don't want to go!!!
After singing we go to shop awhile
And I meet my friend at SMKPP xD So surprise xD
And a good new, I bought my lovely ONE PIECE sticker!!!!
Now my mood is good back =)
And we have a lot of fun while we're eating our lunch tonight =)
And Hui Kai ask us when we go out play last time
Then I say 25/10/2011
They all look at me and praise me xD
And we play the Pandan cake xD
Lol...Have a lot of fun today xD
Expect next Tues also xD
And they have a plan
The plan is about a 'shopping trip' before CNY xD
Lol...Okay, anyways damn expect xD