๐Ÿ’™ It's not about how long we know ๐Ÿ’š
❤️ It's about how deep we go ๐Ÿ’œ


Boring~ T.t

today~boring day~T.T~!!!Sejarah period~nak tidur lol~!then is Seni period~i ask some one who is a PIG use my latihan(new de)then she don't want because MY BOOK VERY SMELL~T.T HURT~!then i didn't compel her use lol~no mood compel a~then recess the fatty GOZILA came jor then we 3 guys eating then talking~then relief because of Form 1 then so boring too...but i drawing so is ok de~then play with PIG then i say 100 days / 1 year don't talking with her~XD~jokes la~where i dare o?!she so garang punya~T.t~then Puan How make Pig angry then i massas(massage)with her~until she smile~XD~then play play play~!XD~then go back home~bath~eat~online~watch movie~nothing do jor~haizzz~and last one is type this blog~