"Being strong enough, letting go the past and moving on forward" The best is yet to come (❀◦‿◦)♣♚
讨厌到~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~我真的要lllllllllllllllllllllllll & mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm鬼她!!!
Best Memories...
表哥~ (绅)

星期五伯母 买衣服 时我自拍的。。。
星期五:回到去。。。我们当然是找阿绅啦!但是这个衰仔阿!到处long。。。找不到他~然后我就跟堂姐去IPOH lol...一直走上走下去买伯母的衣服。。。卡卡。。。晚上我和阿姐拿着阿婆的礼物到处去找人写。。。我呢!是第一个开笔写上祝福的人哦~嘻嘻。。。晚上。。。跟堂哥姐表哥妹一起出去饮茶。。。hoho。。。然后突然有个‘脑子有点问题’的人站在我后面。。。我怕怕。。。然后我就说上厕所。。。全部人在笑我。。。因为那个人站在我后面不是站在他们后面。。。我怕她拿刀出来,然后。。。想像力太。。。丰富了。。。
胃勉强塞完~他!不是人!‘爱’我爱到。。。晚上。。。切蛋糕。。。然后姐姐就拿着礼物给婆婆。。。上面写满了全家人献给奶奶的祝福哦!包括我们家的狗狗。。。然后拍照。。。爸说:"2010年最佳女主角。。。" 笑死全部人了!哈哈哈。。。然后轮到公公拿着礼物拍照,当了2010年最佳男主角。。。嘻嘻。。。晚上。。。我们要去 ‘八场’ 。。。问大人可以去吗? 答案: 不可以!!! blekkkkkkk~讨厌!!!人家难的回来而且刚好有。。。我摆着一张臭脸。。。大哥 (表哥) 看见一直在笑。。。哥 (大哥的弟弟) 就叫我进去然后说骗大人去饮茶。。。其实我们偷偷去。。。结果我们真的偷偷去耶!!!哥哥们真的好爱我哦!!!但是大哥不去。。。他应该不会告诉大人的。。。因为我们已经有好多年没有去了~他也希望我们开心阿。。。我们也希望他和哥开心。。。永远。。。嘻嘻。。。好开心。。。去到那里。。。坐摩天轮。。。我没安全感。。。脚一直震。。。过后就还好了。。。原本说好11:30p.m. 回,怎知兴奋过头,12:00a.m. 才回。。。哈哈。。。我们都快玩疯去了!!!哈哈哈。。。哥说他一直希望有弟弟妹妹。。。他老早把我们当成弟弟妹妹一样。。。我们也是呢!!!所以。。。哥哥们:我们爱你哟!!! (排写有点胃) blekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk~
嘻嘻。。。明天就能够回家乡了!好高兴哦!!!但是3天不能online耶!我的好友,我的hotel city,我的restaurant city。。。拜拜~3天后,我一定回来探望你们的。。。记得不要想念我哦~嘻嘻。。。有点自恋。。。不好意思
:P。。。不过自恋好过自卑嘛。。。嘻嘻。。。嗯。。。对了!我发现我好ying 哦!!!我facebook的全部好友都好像没有玩xbao叻。。嘻嘻。。。有点川~排写排写~当然。。。在xbao里认识了好多新朋友叻~嘻嘻。。。满高兴一下的。。。而且明天就能看见我的阿旺和满满了!OH YEAH!!!现在的心情简直HIGH到。。。。。。。。。。暴啊!!!今晚好想当夜鬼叻!但是妈妈不给我玩到那么夜。。。:‘(
:P。。。不过自恋好过自卑嘛。。。嘻嘻。。。嗯。。。对了!我发现我好ying 哦!!!我facebook的全部好友都好像没有玩xbao叻。。嘻嘻。。。有点川~排写排写~当然。。。在xbao里认识了好多新朋友叻~嘻嘻。。。满高兴一下的。。。而且明天就能看见我的阿旺和满满了!OH YEAH!!!现在的心情简直HIGH到。。。。。。。。。。暴啊!!!今晚好想当夜鬼叻!但是妈妈不给我玩到那么夜。。。:‘(
still got 2 days i can go back 2 my kampung lol...happy~but cant on9...sad...but nvm la...family is important 10 on9 de...hihi ^^nn...now i still think wan 2mrw go back or fri go back vif my dad le?wow...so hard 2 choose...fri back i can on9 n do my project...2mrw back i can free faster n can ply vif my cousin...haizzz...hard ~but nvm la...no nid choose also can go back de hihi...^^ya GAMBATEH!!!
My grandmother,go to heaven when I' m 11 years old...I still remember the date...
2-2-2008 12:45p.m. ...She go to heaven...That times...I played with my cousin happily...Then my uncle's friends came to visit my grandmother...At that time...My grandmother look like very pain...
She got some things want to tell us...I know...I know what she want to tell us...Is BYE BYE~That time...My aunt came...We go down to help her take some things...Me and my cousin cry...My aunt still don't know what happen...Then she ask me what happen...I say grandmother was go to heaven already...She cry...She always ask:"Why don't wait for me?Why? "When I saw...I think not only me will cry...Then mother ask us don't cry in front my grandmother...
1-2-2008 night
A master came and help my grandmother ''chao du''that time I got ''chao du'' with them...The lamp really flash one time...
When my grandmother was healthy...I swam with my sister...That day was a rainy day...Then we go into my grandmother house first...Grandmother scare us cool ask me and my sister go to take bath first...I angry then say don't want!I regret...Regret didn't treasure concern of my grandmother...don't know why today special miss her ...nn...may be that things lol...
*Hope she will have a happy life in the heaven la...
2-2-2008 12:45p.m. ...She go to heaven...That times...I played with my cousin happily...Then my uncle's friends came to visit my grandmother...At that time...My grandmother look like very pain...
She got some things want to tell us...I know...I know what she want to tell us...Is BYE BYE~That time...My aunt came...We go down to help her take some things...Me and my cousin cry...My aunt still don't know what happen...Then she ask me what happen...I say grandmother was go to heaven already...She cry...She always ask:"Why don't wait for me?Why? "When I saw...I think not only me will cry...Then mother ask us don't cry in front my grandmother...
1-2-2008 night
A master came and help my grandmother ''chao du''that time I got ''chao du'' with them...The lamp really flash one time...
When my grandmother was healthy...I swam with my sister...That day was a rainy day...Then we go into my grandmother house first...Grandmother scare us cool ask me and my sister go to take bath first...I angry then say don't want!I regret...Regret didn't treasure concern of my grandmother...don't know why today special miss her ...nn...may be that things lol...
*Hope she will have a happy life in the heaven la...
wow wow wow
wow~i got 2 blog o...hihi...so geng a!!!tis blos is my 1st post write at here...nn...gud gud...hihi...another blog i got 6 post liao lu...hahahahaha...gila!!!
nn...i will write all my sad things,happy things,n many many things about me at here...
nn...i will write all my sad things,happy things,n many many things about me at here...
watca i thinking?
i also don't know what i thinking now...is complicated...
i'm very fail...haizzzzzzzzz....
and not only this things make me feel vex...
because some things...haizzzzzzz......
nevermind la!!!just smile all things also to be good...
just smile~~~~~~~~~~gambateh!!!
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