Half year gone...Is damn FAST =/
Appreciate what you done for me =)
Please remember that I'm always beside you forever... =3
The sentence above...Never expire xD
To:Darling (Jane) ^o^''

Darling!!!Thankssssss for
always beside me and
always understanding me ='D If you have any unhappy things or happy things also
MUST TELL ME too ya =3 And thanksssssss for always give me direction and tell me what to do next step =P And
I know you care me damn damn much like controls me don't give me eat too much chocolates xD Although
I know it's for my own good and I feel
touching xD And
don't feel guilty when you make me cry...
You just help me to find a reason so that I can cry out =D Thanksssssssss for your love and your kiss too xDD hahahahaha!!Really
appreciate that I can meet you in my life and going on my life with you =D hahacx xD
One day you must tell me the 8 po is nugu =P
And I will tell you what you want to know too =D wakakakakaka ~>O<''~ So...
find me whenever you want =D Okay?
Not okay also must okay!! =P
Really LOVE YOU DAMN DAMN MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! =P ♥