Then me and my sis also went to there
When dinner,Jason and Rachel also came here
Damn HIGH xD I love this scene freaking much

^^ CUTE ^^
This two children were FREAKING CUTE =)
Then we went to pasar malam
But this time didn't met Jing Jing =( Bad luck
Then Hwai keep screaming like ghost then many peoples look at him
Damn MALU T^T He haven't eat medicine xD
Don't blame on him xD
Then went back,Dai Dai Lou came here already xD
And his unmarried-wife xD
Then celebrated Hwai's birthday xD
The cake was NICE TO EAT =)
Then we watched scary movies until 2:30am
Lol... xD Actually just Hwai watched and me,big sis sleep already
I just watched the last part of the movie
Then today 11o'clock somethings uncle brought us to Jusco
Well,me,Hwai and Han go to play the games
Means Game Ground
Then I dance with Hwai and Han xD
Is HIGH~!!And funny
Then 2:30pm, Hwai them balik to Johor lurr...
Then very coincidence,my sis's friends call her
Then we go Jusco again xD
Then they haven't reach yet
Then I force my sis go to there again
Then we dance~!!wow!!!I WIN HER 3 ROUNDS!!!
Means I win jorr xD
Then we play the drum xD
The doraemon's song,I win
But another song,she win = =
Then Yuh Wen fetch us go to Jing Jing house
Then I watch <<Orphan>> with Sook Sook and Natalie
Is terrible O.o Then my sis play Rami with Jing Jing and Yuh Wen
Omg @@ Is noisy -.- Then 5:00pm,they say want to eat 'tian pin'
Haven't finish my movie = = Then go to there
I sit Yuh Wen's car,My sis sit Jing Jing's car
Then they reach first
After 15minutes,we reach there safely xD
Then my sis them at the garden = =
Omg!! My sis like a FAN SHU say hello to us
Then I say 'ga moon bird heng' -.-
Then I scold my sis together with Sook and Wen
Is funny xD Then we take photos =) Lol... xD
Is funny today = = I like to play with them because is very shuang xD
And we always like 'fan shu' -.- hahahacx
This week have many fun days =) Because stay with them xD
Is expect for the Genting trip,Outing,A-Famosa trip,Shopping trip xD
And Hui Kai SMS me say A-Famosa got one day stay at water park
Wow~!!And she ask us crazy together xD SURE~!! =)
Last,My lovely ONE PIECE =)
That day my sis said if she die then put her quilt into her coffin -.-
Then she asked me want put what
Then I straight away said:''One Piece,Computer,Modem!!!''
= = Lol... xD We too childish already = =