๐Ÿ’™ It's not about how long we know ๐Ÿ’š
❤️ It's about how deep we go ๐Ÿ’œ


Slurpee with Dai Lou and Sista = )

Today go back home early because celebrate for the National Day
Merdeka!Merdeka!Merdeka! = =|||
Then I go back home do my Seni project
OMG!!!Do jorr about 6 hours -.-
Then Dai Lou and sis come back lu;;;
Then my sis and Dai Lou send Sook Sook back to LRT
Then suddenly Dai Lou call me
Then he ask me wanna go down to eat dinner bohh
Now I only know I haven't eat dinner
Then I say OKAY = )
Then I go down lorr...Eat my delicious NASI LEMAK!!
= ))) tEhEe! =D Then they say lucky I didn't go -.-
OMG!!! yaya~!! Very lucky
Then they ask me don't take the KTM
Because got many persons and some body don't let you go out
Then Dai Lou say he really wanna ''ๅคงๆตทๆ— ้‡'' -.-
hahahahahahacx~Then after finish we send Sook Sook back
On the way to LRT, I saw a boy look like my primary school friend
Then they ask me go say HI -.-
Then Sook Sook say every time go out
Sure I will met my primary school boy friends
-.- yayaya!!! Really!!! Then my sis say go in to the 7-11 enjoy the air-con
Then go into there lorr...OMG!!! They go around then go out
The counter man look at us then like ~.~
hahahahacx~Then my sis go into another 7-11
Then we go to the machine that sells drinks
Then we investigate the price of the drinks -.-
After that Dai Lou count the slurpee deserve to buy or not
Then my sis also count with him
Then Dai Lou say buy one--Large -.-
Then we make make make
After that Dai Lou say get two = =|||
Okay~!!Then he mix mix mix
Then okay : ) After that we go back home
My sis holds one,Dai Lou holds one -.-
Then I walk at centre
When wanna drink,drink from their hand -.-
So SHUANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wohoo~~~
Then before go up we go pasar malam
Dai Lou walk like wanna go to work
So fasttttttttttttttttttt -.- Then we go one round
Then balik rumah -.- Then I continue my Seni = )
Then no idea wanna draw what at the cover
Then my sis say draw VONGOLA FAMILY = D
I hope but my drawing is BAD -.-
So...Then she ask me draw my dream house
Okay!!! = D But...No idea -.-
Then I cincai draw!!! Oh yay!!! Finish!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow just need to colour it then can finish all my seni project lu;
Tehee = ))) Just still got GEO PROJECT!!!!!!!!! = /
Hope tomorrow all things will be FINE = )
