๐Ÿ’™ It's not about how long we know ๐Ÿ’š
❤️ It's about how deep we go ๐Ÿ’œ


Have A Fun day with them =)))

Today do my Geo project
So tired arr!!!Keep walking -.-
OMG!!!We go to visit one by one
hahahahahacx~SO FUNNY!!!!
erm...After finish visit,we go to S.J. bedroom watch movie
heheheheh~~~Then S.J. mum so kind
Ask us to eat the cake -.- So full = =|||
Then K.Q. dad so fearful
5 minutes one call
Then she ask VNS & S.J. help her listen
Then we fool them got many cars on there
Then we say got FALARI -.-
Then after that we send PIG HEAD back home
we really see the FALARI!!! -.- hahahahacx!
So funny = ) But very regret we didn't take 6 peoples photo!!
haizzz...='( Never mind~next time must take =P
Today have a fun day = ) Thanksss all my friends = )


Slurpee with Dai Lou and Sista = )

Today go back home early because celebrate for the National Day
Merdeka!Merdeka!Merdeka! = =|||
Then I go back home do my Seni project
OMG!!!Do jorr about 6 hours -.-
Then Dai Lou and sis come back lu;;;
Then my sis and Dai Lou send Sook Sook back to LRT
Then suddenly Dai Lou call me
Then he ask me wanna go down to eat dinner bohh
Now I only know I haven't eat dinner
Then I say OKAY = )
Then I go down lorr...Eat my delicious NASI LEMAK!!
= ))) tEhEe! =D Then they say lucky I didn't go -.-
OMG!!! yaya~!! Very lucky
Then they ask me don't take the KTM
Because got many persons and some body don't let you go out
Then Dai Lou say he really wanna ''ๅคงๆตทๆ— ้‡'' -.-
hahahahahahacx~Then after finish we send Sook Sook back
On the way to LRT, I saw a boy look like my primary school friend
Then they ask me go say HI -.-
Then Sook Sook say every time go out
Sure I will met my primary school boy friends
-.- yayaya!!! Really!!! Then my sis say go in to the 7-11 enjoy the air-con
Then go into there lorr...OMG!!! They go around then go out
The counter man look at us then like ~.~
hahahahacx~Then my sis go into another 7-11
Then we go to the machine that sells drinks
Then we investigate the price of the drinks -.-
After that Dai Lou count the slurpee deserve to buy or not
Then my sis also count with him
Then Dai Lou say buy one--Large -.-
Then we make make make
After that Dai Lou say get two = =|||
Okay~!!Then he mix mix mix
Then okay : ) After that we go back home
My sis holds one,Dai Lou holds one -.-
Then I walk at centre
When wanna drink,drink from their hand -.-
So SHUANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wohoo~~~
Then before go up we go pasar malam
Dai Lou walk like wanna go to work
So fasttttttttttttttttttt -.- Then we go one round
Then balik rumah -.- Then I continue my Seni = )
Then no idea wanna draw what at the cover
Then my sis say draw VONGOLA FAMILY = D
I hope but my drawing is BAD -.-
So...Then she ask me draw my dream house
Okay!!! = D But...No idea -.-
Then I cincai draw!!! Oh yay!!! Finish!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow just need to colour it then can finish all my seni project lu;
Tehee = ))) Just still got GEO PROJECT!!!!!!!!! = /
Hope tomorrow all things will be FINE = )


Volley ball~~Happy Holidays!!! =)

Today PJK period
Play volley ball with pig head
OMG!!! Long time didn't play
But still maintain my standard
hahahahacx~We play until very crazy : P
But can't avoid my hand got two places black-green already ='(
Never mind la~Just ignore la
Tomorrow Hari Sambutan Kemerdekaan Malaysia
OMG!!!Force us buy the wristband,then must bring tie and flag!!!
Hate it!!!!!!!!!! So troublesome!!!
huhu~~~After tomorrow is HOLIDAYS~!!!


Webcam! I SAW YOU!!! =DDD

Today my mum buy a webcam
OMG!!!! She buy already
Then I throw my homework to my table
Then faster try the webcam
Then play with Pig Head~!!
hahahahahahacx~!!!!So funny
I see her stupid face now~!!wakakakakaka
Now she also typing her blog same with me
wow~~~hahahahaha~!!So happy
Although today have a lot of unhappy things happen
But...we finally we can happy together whether is after school
= ) hahaha~ = P



Have a fun day : )

Today when I doing my Seni
Suddenly my big sis call my fat sis
Then ask us wanna go out shopping or not
Then sure I say YES larr~
Then we faster go to prepare
Then we go to Time Square
OMG!!!We shop shop shop
Company my big sis to buy her shirt
Then me and my big big bro sitting outside
Then I see a teacher from SMK(P)Pudu!!!!
OMG!!!!!!!I MEET HER 3 TIMES!!!!!!!!
You guess what teacher?
hahahahahacx~The answer is...CIK TEOW!!!
After that my big big bro buy us the cookies~!!!
DAMN IT DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But...100g/RM9.80   OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But is deserve because damn delicious~!!!
Then afterward we send my big sis to the bus station
Because she want go back Singapore lu :'(
(*My big sis really is a road idiot~ -.- )
Then big big bro bring us go to STARBUCK!
OMG!!!The drink damn nice and delicious~!
hahahahacx~Then we sitting there about 3 hours...?
Then me and my fat sis play my bro and his GF's handphone
wow~play play play~~~LOL~LOW BATTERY -.-
Then me and my sis playing some CHILDISH GAMES
We two sot sot de @.@
Then 8 o'clock we have our dinner
OMG!!!My bro order many many foods!!!
And keep 'feeding' me -.- DAMN FULL!!!
Then he send us back~
Today is a fun day = ]
Erm......My homework T^T!!!
Never mind la~haha~ DAI JO BU! = ]



First time cook noodle for myself......
Without anyone helping me......
See : )))



I wonder why
The English oral damn easy to remember
But the BAHASA 'MELAYU' damn hard to remember
Why must we learn BM!?
 Learn English better than learn BM!!!



*SELDOM* pictures of ME

Yesterday finished the NICE movie
( : My Girl Friend Is A Gumiho : )(can click)
 Then I give my computer to her
I see she take my CD!!!
Then I sit beside her and watch with her
But who know she online -.-
OMG!!!She on facebook and chat with her friend
OMG!!!And say my bad things to her friend
Then me feel boring = =
And I see the camera is there
Then I go and take up it
And capture with my sis -.-


 Mushroom = =|||

 Turtle type font

 -.-I started to be crazy

 GILA @@ 


 When i capture,she suddenly join in!!!

2 mushroom  XP

Omg @@ I chincha crazy -.-
ๆˆ‘ๆƒณๆˆ‘ๆ˜ฏ็˜‹ไบ†T^T (can click)
hahahacx~ok la~
Stop here today : )
Aniyo :P


My little world♥

This time my results some bad some ok
But very happy because of some objects
Also very disappointed because of some objects
I really must study hard from now to get 
A good results on the final exam
But I always just say no action
wakakakakakakaka : P
Never mind la...If now start to do my revision
I also will forget all I read when exam
Because after I read
My brain will automatic throw all the things
that I remember before exam
And hope my 'stress' will far far far away from me
: ) My rainbow~!!When you want to come out?!
I would like to live in my little world
It was felt like harmony 
It always made me felt sureness and safely
It was Peaceful (-)


Smile One Smile,No Trouble

Today teachers give back us our exam paper...
Some exam paper teacher haven't give back us yet...
MT-ok lorr...
BI-ok lorr...
Geo-although not enough good~but got B already ok lorr...
 Now I'm scare for my SN,BM,KH
All also scare! ishhhhhhhhhhhhh
Never mind la...Final exam MORE IMPORTANT!!!
so...Gambateh la :'(


Really...miss my kampung :'(

But...still need to wait for 3 weeks!
Then I can go back lu!!! xD
en...Just come back from my uncle house~
This 3days 2nights so good~Although is boring but I like~
And my sis go back kampung with Dai Dai Lou~
And yesterday my uncle bring us went to pasar malam
Then I met Jing Jing at there
Then I helped my sis to say 'Harlo' to her
Then my uncle helped me bungkus ASAM LAKSA!!!
OMG!!!damn delicious~but not too spicy la~also not too sour~
erm~so FULL!!!hahahahacx~Don't want to say too much la...
Meet you all at kampung la : D


EXAM FINISH XD !!!!!yahoooooooooooo~^^ but waiting for my BAD results :(

=) At mt uncle house

hahacx~now I'm stay at my uncle house~
And my sis they all balik kampung already :'(
Just me at here alone~but...if this kampung no my grandmum~
hahacx~but~at here too long time already...
MISS my kampung :'(
MISS you all :'(
nevermind larr...just need to wait for 3 weeks...
Then i can go back already : D


Tomorrow exam lu :'(

Tomorrow exam lu :'(
Sejarah?Bahasa Cina?English?
OMG!!!I haven't prepare enough yet!
Never mind la...Just 4 days only~
Very fast pass one~ Gambateh : )