๐Ÿ’™ It's not about how long we know ๐Ÿ’š
❤️ It's about how deep we go ๐Ÿ’œ


Tomorrow SN & SVK~weeee...still got 2 days!!!

Tomorrow is SN and also SIVIK!!!OH MY GOSHHHHHHHH!!!
SN I sure die one!!! ='( Anyone can help me???
Let's rigged!!!=D nope la -.- jokes only...
Where I dare to rigged!Never die mehh???
Haizzz...SCIENCE only marr...hihi...PASS then only can lorr =P
Haizzz...You say larr~!!Science not so easy le!!!
And I don't know what it talking about le!!!
ishhhhhhhh!!!Who invent SCIENCE?!!!!!!

To:Pig Head
You also gambateh larr!!! =D  +U!!!
